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This might come as a shock

But I’m actually updating the blog! I can’t believe it’s been since Oct. 25. We’ve been hecka busy with Barndog Mill and my fledgling real estate empire-to-be, as well as my regular job at the magazine, not to mention taking shifts in monitoring Lucy all day long while the other gets a few hours of work done. (Max goes to school.) We’ve also put our old house on the market (after fighting tooth and nail to get it vacant, but that’s another story entirely), celebrated Lucy’s first birthday, watched her take her first few steps and been continually amazed at the ridiculous things Max comes up with.

Here are a few pics of Lucy’s first birthday and our Christmas tree-picking adventure.

And since I never even posted Halloween, here’s a family pic.




One response »

  1. Jen, she really really looks like you! Or is it that you and Michael looks so much alike that she looks like either one equally.


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